Communities Notifications

The goal of this project was to connect Community members with one another and effectively boost user engagement by encouraging members to take action and explore the different features within their Community.

Spaces Clipping

Spaces are ephermeral, and with the exception of recorded Spaces, are not accessible after ending. Clipping is a feature that allows users to persist, share, and consume moments in Spaces that would normally be gone once the moment has passed. The goal was to increase the full-length listen on a clip relative to recorded Space which would make a meaningful impact on listenership for Hosts and to increase engagement on a Tweet.

Twitter Spaces Media Cards

The Spaces Media Card displays information and Call to Action (CTA) that is relevant to the customer. Twitter customers are looking for more information about the conversation that is unfolding - putting our best foot forward was a way for us to communicate the value of Spaces and for them to be more at ease when joining a live audio.

GitHub User Data API Project

In this project I created an application that uses the GitHub API to show information to the person using it.

A RESTful API Project

In this simple project, I created a REST API using Node.js and Express. This API will expose a set of GET and POST endpoints to allow getting data out, and sending data in. I used a MongoDB database to store the data.

Hacker Feed News

In this project, I used the hacker news API to build an alternate interface for the hacker news website. Check out my code on codesandbox.

Don't buy, adopt!

In this project, I built a full application to browse adoptable pets by using the latest features in React, including hooks, effects, context, and portals.

Project SIMPLE with Natural Language Processing, JavaScript, Python, HTML, CSS

Project SIMPLE (Service Insights from Machine Processing of Linguistic Evaluations) demonstrates the utility of supplementing quantitative data from Customer reviews with qualitative text data obtained through Natural Language Processing (NLP). NLP can make substantial contributions toward good CRM.

Project Shutdown in the City of San Francisco

Project Shutdown analyzes the potential impact particularly on registered business across San Francisco as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

UFO Sighting and Filtering Data Using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS

The objective of this challenge was to write code that will create a table dynamically based upon a dataset.

Web Scraping for Mars Facts

I created a web scraping program to extract latest news, images, and facts from Used MongoDB and Flask templating to create a new HTML page that displayed all of the infomration that was scraped.

California Police Salaries ETL

I built a web scraper to scrape for data collection using Python and stored data with SQLite.

Weather Dashboard

The purpose of this project was to analyze how weather changes as you get closer to the equator. To accomplish this analysis, I first pulled data from the OpenWeatherMap API to assemble a dataset of over 500 randomly selected cities.

Climate Analysis and Exploration

In this project, I analyzed the climate using SQLAlchemy ORM queries, Pandas and Matplotlib. The analysis icluded the last 12 months of precipitation data. Then, I designed a Flask API based on the queries to create an application.

Exploring the Obesity Epidemic in the U.S.

Project Movat explores the obesity epidemic in the United States. This study uses county-level data to look for relationships between obesity and seven indicators. The goal is to predict how obesity rates vary based on these indicators.

Employee Database

In this project, I wrote queries using SQL to analyze a databse of employees for a corporation from the periods between 1980s and 1990s.

Drug Performance

In this project, I used Matplotlib to analyze data from a recent animal study. The study took 249 mice identified with SCC tumor growth and were treated through a variety of drug regimens. From the analysis, I found that there was a correlation coefficient of .84 between mouse weight and average tumor volume. The data also shows a bar chart of the most tested drug and the most effective drug.

City School Analysis

This project analyzes the district-wide standardized test results using Pandas to showcase obvious trends in school performance.

Data Analysis with Python

In this project, I created a Python script to analyze the financial records of a company.

A second part of the project was to create a Python script to analyze the votes of an election.

The VBA of Wall Street

In this project, I used VBA scripting to analyze real stock market data for the years of 2014, 2015, and 2016.

The script looped through all the stocks for one year and output the yearly change from opening price at the beginning of a given year to the closing price at the end of that year. It also included the percentage change from opening price at the beginning of a given year to the closign price at the end of that year. Lastly, the scription output the total stock volume of the stock a given stock.